We consider classic works timeless, able to endure through the centuries, becoming exemplary models that are always current. Just like the Murano glass chandeliers of the Timeless line, which draw on an established craftsmanship tradition and then move away from it to leave room for an ever-evolving design research.

The classical soul of these works of light reflects fundamental values of our mission, such as the expression of excellence and elegance made in Italy.

Beauty is what the blown glass chandeliers convey, handmade with manual techniques and skills, pursuing a precise and constant attention to detail at every stage of craftsmanship.

Classic models of Italian Murano glass chandeliers, including the venetian blown glass chandelier, to fall in love with as they appear, or endlessly declined in customised and made-to-measure lighting solutions, to embellish rooms with the suggestion of unique products in tune with the space to be furnished.

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“The luminous object has a higher magic than the rest of the objects, the fact that it can be turned on gives it a life of its own, a variation of the “on-off” state which I personally am very fond of, turning on a light changes the atmosphere, that’s why in most cases when I think of a project I think of a light.” – Marcantonio